Sunday, April 14, 2013

Citizenship in Schools- Reflection

     I decided to write another Reflection post because I feel that I can connect strongly to this piece at least in part. I have an internship this semester at a preschool in Providence. It’s called The Livingston Center preschool and is run by The Groden Center. There have both typically developing and atypically developing 3,4, and 5-year-old students at this preschool and I can connect it so much to this article. The way they set up the schedule at the Livingston Center I have found very interesting. First of all it is a very structured schedule, which I think is beneficial for all students but especially the atypical students many of whom have autism. There day starts with free play for all students all together, then breaks into center time where 2 of the atypical students will go to a 1-on-1 work session and all the students will be playing at centers. This set up I think is a great way to have students included and integrated while also getting them the help and resources they need. These students also have ample time throughout the day that they spend alongside their typically developing peers which allows for them to socialize and interact with them as well. I think Keiwler  would agree with this method of teaching and structure because he talks about children being treated as school citizens and I feel that  here all the students are treated as citizens of the school, they are all treated equally by there teachers and peers and they are all allowed to learn together, Without any real fear of discrimination or teasing while they are school.

Points to Share:
I agree with Keiwler that schools should be more integrated as I have seen even as early as four years old that is beneficial for the students with disabilities as well as those without. I think there are even steps teachers and schools could start to do know to promote co-learning and integration. For example, having a structured schedule is something that some children require and at the same time is helpful for most students. I think we should work towards having students more integrated. 


  1. Hi Hannah, I completely agree with you. I think that schools should be more inclusive and I could see it in the film we watched, that kids are taking more out of being in the regular classes rather than sitting in the special education room all day doing nothing. I think it is possible for the schools to make a change considering that the children have so many supporters.

  2. Hi Hannah, yours was the first blog I read when I was getting ready to write mine, and I realized that I have a lot of personal connections to this piece, so I also wrote a reflection. (: Alyssa is so right, schools are able to make a change, they have tons of support, unfortunately, some school districts don't see that as a priority.
